Teaching & Learning OVERSEAS
The waffle story began long before moving overseas, but the idea for Waffle Social Club specifically came to us while teaching abroad. Lindsay is a Choir Director and Kyle was a Biology & Computer Science teacher, later turned Educational Technology Director. We started our professional lives as musicians, having met at Berklee College of Music in 1999. We learned the value of community and team building very early on, which has profoundly impacted the ways in which we very deliberately seek out situations where we can build community with others. After completing our teacher training in the US during the mid 2000's, we decided that wanted to live abroad and from 2010-2020 taught in International Schools in Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and Vietnam. Somehow on modest teacher salaries we have been able to have our kids grow up in diverse environments on 4 continents and have lived in/visited more than 30 countries (see the board below). We have been exposed to so many different people, languages and cultures, and have been struck by some universal truths across humanity, none more thematic than this: food brings people together.
We hope that our experiences can impact you in a positive way, and we very much look forward to breaking waffles with you soon!
Kyle and Lindsay